How to Transfer your Domain Ownership to Elate (from 3rd party Registrar)

This article will guide you on how to transfer your domain from your domain provider to Elate 

Pre-configuration Steps 


Note: Before initiating any domain transfers ALWAYS make sure DNS settings are backed up and copied to a Google Sheet 

How to Backup your DNS Records

  1. Login to Your DNS Hosting Provider:
    1. If your domain is hosted on Namecheap, GoDaddy, Cloudflare, or any other DNS provider, log in to your account.

  1. Navigate to DNS Management:
    1. Find the section where you manage your DNS settings. This is usually labeled as DNS Management, DNS Settings, DNS Zone, or Advanced DNS.

  1. Copy All DNS Records:
    1. List the DNS records (A, CNAME, MX, TXT, etc.) shown on the page.

Manually copy the details (name, type, value, TTL) into a file, such as a text file or spreadsheet for easy reference.


Pre-configuration Note: Before initiating any domain transfers ALWAYS make sure DNS settings are backed up (or copied on Google Sheet)

  1. Open your domain portal through your domain provider website
  2. Then in the Domain Settings, look for the Domain Lock option and turn it off. This will allow the domain to be transferred.

*Sample third party provider*

  1. After unlocking the domain, you'll be provided with an Authorization Code. This is required for the domain transfer process.

*Sample third party provider*

  1. Copy the authorization code and securely share it with the elate team
  2. The transfer may take up to 7 days to complete. During this time, the domain should remain active on your website.
